Thursday, April 22, 2010

14 Weeks...and 1 day

I had my first O.B appt. today. It was pretty quick. You never know with O.B's if they're going to be on time or not.
Dr Shetti was my O.B when I had Ethan...almost 8 years ago.
He's a great Dr. I was happy that i was able to get to see him again.
The appt. went well. He checked my blood pressure and heart rate, lungs and then he listened for the baby's heart beat. He found it with out any problems at all. It was right there! good and strong.
My next appt is in 4 weeks and my 20 week u.s is booked for June 3rd!


  1. Oh I can't wait! Do the IP's want to know the baby's gender?

  2. Its always good have an OB you're comfortable with and especially one that has seen you before. Yay that you've finally moved on to regular OB visits... that's awesome!
