Monday, June 21, 2010

AAahhhh Finally! Summer is here!

Tomorrow is end of year field trips for both kids. They're pretty excited. Ethan isn't sure what his is all about but I'm sure they'll have fun. Alexa's is at Medieval times. She's been looking forward to it all year (standard 4th grade trip to wrap up their Medieval studies)
Thursday I have a breastfeeding class for my Doula training and my mom is coming to help get ready for our BBQ on Saturday. Lots of people coming. Lots of shopping and cleaning to do. I really hope it's going to be a nice day.

Did I mention I broke my van?? It was really dumb...OK I was really dumb. Backing up in to a spot and didn't look where the front of my van was and crunched in the drivers side corner on a pole. A yellow pole. Good thing is two days later it had popped out all on it's own and Jamie was able to buff off the yellow paint. Phew!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


My fabulous IP's are thrilled!!!
u.s results are back. All parts are accounted for and growing well.
Lots of movement on the u.s. screen.
Baby's movements are getting much stronger. Alexa was even able to see a couple of kicks the other day. I'm sure when mom and dad come back they'll be able to see and feel some movement.

We're 22 weeks now. Only 18 to go. I think I'm much smaller this time then with my two. Pretty understandable really. Mom is tiny. Curious to see how big I'll get.

We've talked a little about delivery day. I have a birth plan template that we should go over together. Most of the questions are about labour which I can answer but there are some that deal with after the baby is born. Maybe we'll do that on their next visit.

In the mean time, I need a hobby. Dad says I can make money on eBay drawing stick people. I'm not so sure but it's worth a shot. It could be the only way of funding a pool.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

20 Weeks!!!

Wow, wow, wow!!! What a great day!!
My fabulous IP's got here yesterday after a looong drive. It was so great to see them again.
My mom came to watch Alexa and Ethan while Me, Jamie and my FIP's went out for dinner to The Wildfire.
The men had beef. Jamie's prime rib was huge. He weighed his left overs this morning and it was 18oz. I think they gave him what was left because it was getting late. The women had pasta. It was yummy!!
Mom and Dad came back this morning to pick me up for the big ultra sound (Just a small complaint about their instruction. A bladder can hold 15 to 20oz. My instructions said to drink 40oz and be done 1hour before my appointment. Why doesn't someone tell these people that this makes no sense! I had about 20oz and finished about 30 min before the appointment. No bladder issues.)
The appointment went great! the tech got all the measurements she needed then went to get mom and dad. What an amazing moment, seeing them see their baby for the first time. It was quite emotional. Baby did lots of moving around for mom and dad. Gave a couple of waves. We saw his/her hands, feet, spine, little beating heart (151) arms, legs. The tech was great, she took lots of pictures took her time showing mom and dad. No idea how long we were in there it felt like a long time. I was really happy she took the time for them.
I really think it's all very real for them now. We'll be seeing them again mid July. I'll be 6.5m then. They should be able to see lots of movement then.
I forgot to ask them for a picture so I could scan it. I'll have to email them and ask them if they can bring a couple back when they come so I can scan it and post it here.
No word on gender yet. Hoping to find out on Monday or Tuesday when I call the Dr's office.