It's amazing what people do to pass the time while waiting for someone to go in to active labour.
I woke up at 6:30 and was pretty sure my water had broken. Called my Doula and amazing friend Siobhan to let her know. Called my most wonderful mom and Fabulous IP's let them know. Then I called my most supportive husband to come back home to help get the kids off to school and me to the hospital.
The Nurse checked to make sure my water did in fact break and my dilation (4cm) then hooked me up to the monitors for a bit before going to my room. Then I walked, and walked, and walked. Dr came in around noon and checked me again. Still 4cm. Told me my options but no need to make any decisions to augment with pitocin yet. More walking. Contractions were very tolerable. Dr came back around 5pm checked me again, maaayybee 5cm. Because it had been almost 12 hours since my water broke he wanted to start iv antibiotics. I decided since I was going to be in bed anyway, I might as well start pitocin. dr didn't think it would take much. Contractions got stronger but still manageable...until about 5min to 8. Baby's heart rate started to dip with contractions, They asked me to roll on to my side, Contractions changed immediately! Dr checked me again and I was complete. I can start pushing.
Sweet little Moose was born at 8:07pm Weighing 6lb 8oz and was 20" long.
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