FINALLY transfer day!
My IP's are beyond nervous I remember how cold IM's hands were while waiting for the Dr to call our names. She sat right beside me with her hand on my arm the whole time. Her husband beside her. The Dr came in. Talked to the lady in the lab. He tells us that the eggs had grown from that morning (good news) and there were now three embryos. BUT the third one was a very slow grower. He felt that the third one would not take and it could not be frozen as it wouldn't make the thaw. The best option (as long as we were all good with twins) was to transfer all three and that third slow grower would help the other two to grow. This sounded very promising! All eyes on the screen watching them gather the embryo's and then we all watched them place them in just the right spot!
The u.s tech gave us each a u.s. picture of the embryo's sitting all snug.
More waiting. We have to wait two weeks before I can go for my beta's. This is a blood test that will tell us weather the transfer worked or not. I will go for 4 betas then another ultrasound. The ultrasound will tell us how many little miracles are in there.

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