Friday, March 26, 2010


Ultra sound day!!

The ultra sound tech and Dr both said "the baby looks text book perfect!!" GREAT NEWS! my next appt should be my last at the clinic and it's the same day I get to stop my meds!! woohooo. My last shot in the butt will be April 7th. I am soooooo looking forward to that. It's also the start of my quad screen. I never did any of that testing with either of my pregnancies. I hope it doesn't talk long for the results to come back. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I'm not a patient person.

I would kill for a good craving right about now. The only real craving I had was for Pho soup. When I was pregnant with Ethan I had three strong cravings my whole pregnancy. Nachos, spaghetti and hamburgers. I could switch it up every once in awhile, keep things interesting. Right now Pho. spicy Pho. no variety there really. Maybe next trimester will bring a new craving and take away my crankies before Jamie and the kids kick me out.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

8w 4d ultra sound

I had my ultra sound today. Little bean has changed sooo much in two weeks.

Dr said s/he was growing great and gave us a due date of October 20th.

It seems so far away.

I emailed my IP's right away and then sent them the ultra sound picture when we got home.

They were amazed that you could see the arms and leg buds forming. I love seeing ultra sound baby pictures!

Next appointment is March 26th.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A poem a fellow surrogate found and posted

"A Dream

Our friendship started differently,
Than most friendships I've had.
We had to search each other out,
because of something sad.

A precious child to fill your hearts,
Is what you're longing for.
Infertility has made it hard,
to open up that door.

And so a search began for you,
to find a helping heart.
So similar to my own search,
not knowing where to start.

For me, the search is special,
it requires such great care.
A couple to have a child...
the fruit my search must bare.

Now we've found each other,
so much more real it seems.
Through faith and hope and honesty,
we're moving toward your dream.

But the dream we have,
it is the same, a dream that's filled with firsts.
First smiles, first laughs, first steps, first words.
All starting with a birth.

Often times I find myself wondering what it's like,
to have to trust a stranger with such a precious life.
And though I can't imagine,all that you've been through,
I hope you know I'll do my best to bring a child to you.

Surrogacy is something not everyone can do.
But I've been so blessed in my life,
I'm drawn to helping you.
Some people call us Angels, us surro-moms to be.
But I don't feel angelic, I just feel like me.

Our journey is just starting,
and no one knows the end.
I pray it brings to you a child,
and brings to me a friend.

By Lain"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can I whine for a minute?

I apparently need a little nap everyday to make it through to the end. It's been 9 years since I've been pregnant. It seems I've forgotten this little tip.
I was so exhausted last week from lack of nap time, I was very happy to see the arrival of March. Much slower month here at home.
Another little tid bit that...well actually shocks me that I had forgotten. Snacks! I didn't get much breakfast this morning and by the time I got home at 10:30 I almost had the shakes from a drop in my blood sugar. A quick snack, Lunch, folded Mt Washmore and a nap. I woke up feeling like crap! Same thing. I needed a snack. Had a half a peanut butter sandwich and I was good to go until dinner.
I need some good healthy snack food in my house or I will blow up to mass proportions!