Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ultra sound day!!!!

This morning didn't start off too great. I didn't set the alarm right and over slept. We were getting up when we should have been leaving.
A mad rush at 7am is not a good way to start my day, let alone two kids and a chauffeur husband.
OK, back to the ultra sound.
Dr saw one strong and beautiful heat beat! Heart rate is 135!
My intended parents are THRILLED!!!
So those who pray, Pray. Those who don't, keep up the positive thoughts!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

4th and Final beta

So my 4th beta is in, the number 2238. They said that my numbers were rising nicely and I didn't have to go for my 5th which is good but... I don't know, I'll have to believe them but with all my other numbers doubling in 48h and this one hadn't doubled in 72h I'm a little concerned. I'll just have to wait for my 6 week ultra sound.
Have I mentioned that I hate waiting?? Maybe a 5th beta wouldn't have been so bad.

With the Olympics on Alexa and my IP have been bantering back and forth about what team is best. Alexa thinks it's hilarious. She's having a great time emailing back and forth. He sent a picture of Alexa cheering for his team the other day. She laughed and laughed. Wanted me to do that to a picture of him. I am NOT computer savvy at all! She'll have to stick to words.

We've had a busy weekend here. My mom and Niece are visiting. Lots of shopping. I can't tell you how badly it's tired me out. I'm nodding off at 9pm. Considering I'm usually up until midnight. This is a little crazy for me.
I know, I know, suck it up princess!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beta #3

Finally got beta number 3 in this afternoon.

We were looking for 1200's. It came back at 1348 WOOHOO! Another "milestone" crossed.

I have to go back again on Friday. I really hope they have those results back by the end of the work day. Waiting all weekend would not be a fun experience.

My ultrasound is in about a week and a half. I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully they'll give me pictures. Not that there will be much to see at only 6 weeks along. I'll scan it and share anyway.

I love baby ultrasounds.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

While I wait for more betas, A little about the medication.

First I want to thank Milli and Heidi for talking me in to doing this blog and Milli for setting it up for me, and posting that wonderful post. I was a big chicken and didn't want to do a blog. Had no idea how to do it. I tried to do a web site years ago and it went nowhere. I'm a good Internet surfer/game player/facebooker but know nothing about actually using a computer. Milli and Heidi you broke me down. You girls do not give up! Thank you!

Please let me send you some muffins ;)


It was a little shocking to see all the medication I would be taking. They hand it to you all at once in a bag.

The bag contains

*2 pkgs of birth control pills. Kind of interesting as I'm trying to GET pregnant not avoid. BUT it's needed to sync my cycle with my IM's.
* two bottles of Estrace, estrogen tablets that I started taking the day of my lining check.
*6 antibiotic tablets I had to take three days before the transfer
*25 syringes
*25 18 gage needles
*25 25 gage needles
*alcohol wipes
*5 vials of pio (progesterone in oil) I started three days before transfer

A bag of fun isn't it!

The Estrace tablets and pio shots I have to take from just before transfer until I hit the 12 week mark. That's a lot of needles in my butt. 70 in total (I'm almost half way there).
Actually it's not that bad. I haven't had any pain from it. A little bruise on each side and a hard spot once in a while but no pain. I don't know how the ladies who have pain each day do their needles. Don't get me wrong I can't wait to be done but it's not something I dread doing each day.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just so you know

These first few posts all have my name on them, but I'm not the one growing a baby. My friend is an amazing woman, and I've pestered her into sharing her story here. From here on out, she's going to be telling us about how it feels to be part of such a miracle for another family. I'm sure it's going to be filled with highs and lows. And Drea, all you have to do is write from your heart. It will tell the story better than anyone else ever could.
Love to you my dear friend, and thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.


Second betas

First betas about 150, second betas 315! My IP's were much happier after getting the second betas. It's Chinese New Year today and they did all kinds of celebrating. I'm glad they were able to kick back.
My mood has been all over the place. I'm sure my husband and kids are thrilled with me right now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

digtal test

Tomorrow is the big day! I caved and did my last hpt this morning. It was one of those digital tests that say pregnant or not pregnant.
Mine said PREGNANT!!! Can't wait to hear what the beta numbers are. Supposedly the higher the number the more likely you are to be carrying twins. There was one surrogate who had high betas and then found out at her 6 week u.s that there was only one. I suppose it is possible. I really hope my IM can sleep tonight. She's been through so much.
OK I'm off to bed. Very busy day tomorrow. I hope it all gets done AND we get our results with out having to wait.

Monday, February 8, 2010

it's so hard to wait

I got an email from my IM today. She did well trying to keep busy but she's pretty anxious and scared. I can't blame her though. This has been such a long and emotional ride for them both. Her hands are ice cold again.
Two more days until we find out for sure weather this is going to be the most exciting year for them. One that they have waited their whole lives for or if it's going to be the biggest disappointment. I can't even imagine how hard this will be for them if the beta comes back low or negative. I have one pregnancy test left and I'm afraid to take it in case it comes back negative.
I'm very happy to have plans tomorrow to keep busy. I have to take my car in to get the tires checked and start packing up my kitchen to get ready for the big reno. Wednesday is busy too. Betas in the morning, kitchen cupboards are coming in the afternoon. Hopefully not long after that I'll know the results.
Come on Wednesday!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


How long could these last few days possibly drag out??? In a much better mood today. Sun was shining all day, that's always a good sign.
not feeling too great. I suppose that's a good sign too! My IP's had a dinner party last night for IM's birthday. They had a great time. Drinking, eating and great conversation. I was SO happy that they had that distraction. I really wish I could tell them what's been going on with the hpt.
Oh well. I'll keep rubbing my belly. 3 more sleeps!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

mood swings

OMG I'm in a super pissy mood tonight. This has got to be pregnancy related! So a good sign right? If I'm this pissy it HAS to be a good sign!!! still 4 more days until my betas.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First signs

I'm not a patient person. I never claimed to be patient. I did a home pregnancy test (hpt) on Feb 3rd. Just 7 days past transfer. It was + very very very faint + in fact so faint that I didn't tell anybody about it until a couple of days later. I did another hpt the next morning. I was +. It was there and it was easy to see and I was thrilled!!!!!
I can't tell my IP's though. They have been through too much for me to tell them about these early tests only for it turn out to be bad news with the betas.
Friday I received an email from my IM. She told me it was her birthday on February 3rd. FEBRUARY 3RD!!! that's the day I got my first + very very very faint + hpt!!! this had to be a good sign right!?!?! this news I will share either after the betas are done or after I have my u.s. not sure yet but I will absolutely tell about it when I do.
and I wait again! four more days until my betas start.